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TEKQ International has been a supplier and manufacture of memory and enhancement products to the computer distributors since 1998. Our policy is to provide the best possible service to both meet, and exceed, our customers requirements and expectations. Our product range form CompactFlash cards, SmartMedia cards, Multimedia cards, Secure Digital cards, DX picture Cards and comprehensive line of standard memory modules, and customized memory solutions for desktop and notebook computers, workstations, and servers.TEKQ International strives for Win-Win operations by forming strategic alliances with and long-term commitments to suppliers and customers. We are committed to providing customers the most dependable and compatible products, on-time deliveries, and competitive pricing to ensure complete satisfaction. This is how TEKQ International became Taiwan leading module supplier.
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認識三稜 : 三稜資訊自1998年成立,到2012年已經14年,最早從事電腦教學(加盟小司馬光電腦教學),一路走來從公司與家用硬體組裝、維修、區域網路規劃與建置、各類伺服器架設與維護、資訊安全協助、網站協助架設與代管、各類網頁設計、數位監控系統架設與維修、有線、無線網路一次性規劃與佈建,以上是我們用14年時間建立起實績與經驗,每項工程與專案都能圓滿完成任務,並得到客戶後續的信任和支持。 經營理念 : -----『專業』、『用心』、『熱忱』----- 未來展望 : 雖然科技日新月異,我們亦將秉持經營信念繼續向前邁進,接受新資訊整合舊技術,期許自己未來能整合更多科技與提升更多專業能力,為客戶在科技時代做更多元化專業支撐與完整的整合服務, 歡迎有創意,敢挑戰, 有企圖心的朋友加入!。
Founded in 1994, and located in Fremont, CA, Vantec is a leading brand of computer accessories that provides a complete line of Storage, Thermal, and Mobile solutions. We are devoted to every computer user from mainstream to enthusiast. Our goal is to provide a complete and affordable way for all your computing needs.
公司都以電源類的產品為主軸 產品的技術與專利在世界市場中甚為先進 一是:各種多功能充電機,無線充電器,微發電機,太陽能Inverter 。 二是:UPS(不斷電系統) ..等創新產品。 企業藉由創新產品的發展,增加附加價值, 繼而使參與其中的每個成員找到自我價值,並惜緣惜福共創未來。 歡迎住深坑、木柵、新店等附近的優秀人才加入我們! Winstream power brand UPS are engineered and manufactured in our production offices in Taiwan, and supplied to OEM/ODM dealers worldwide, delivering superior quality, yet affordable uninterruptible power supplies with post sales support and marketing assistance designed specifically to each customers needs and requirements. We can even custom manufacture UPS according to your engineering specifications Our award winning range of online, standby, and line interactive UPS are ideally tailored to protect your computer workstations, LANs, hospital devices, telecommunication, traffic control and more. Our dedication to quality has been driven by our commitment We back what we sell. Our experienced service team is ready and available around the clock to offer complete technical support. ●公司產品與營業項目: 1 新型多功能充電機系列 2 微型發電機系列 3 MP3,PEN DRIVE 系列 4 無線充電系列 上班地點過信義快速線十份鐘到,交通非常方便。在木柵交流道旁假日飯店餘對面 歡迎個性積極負責人士加入行列!
Xuan Yuan Technology Co. was established in 2002, by a group full of ideals and aspirations of young engineers. With a keen insight and accurate vision, Xuan Yuan Technology Co. was able to quickly stand out in the field of computer peripheral products. Today, Xuan Yuan Technology Co. through digital operations, the product line has expanded to mini-projector, wireless product, computer peripheral product, digital home appliances, and network communication product. In order to exceed consumer expectation, we always uphold the spirit of "innovation, performance, quality” and strive to develop and provide novelty digital products for people to create a better future. Our spirit and commitment, to customers, has always been "Upgrade Your Life". In the future, Xuan Yuan Technology Co. will continue to focus on designing and manufacturing innovative and delicate computer peripheral products to the marketplace in keeping the leading position in the industry.
有良好工作環境、也提供學習及成長的空間,歡迎優秀的朋友一起加入我們的工作行列。 Our company mainly produces computer’s peripheral electron privacy’s filter and the consumption electronic products, the product also via has become now the energy conservation the led lamps and lanterns and the thin film solar energy board development and the production.And specialty in research development, product design, OEM/ODM, production and brand marketing. Our company is grasping the customer supreme spirit, provides the most complete service and the marketing plan, may depend on the customer different demand design, from designs the line, the end product production, the assembly test and so on consistent work, is pursuing innovation and the breakthrough unceasingly the product technology, produces the quality product continually, conforms to the environmental protection festival source tendency and provides makes the customer satisfied commodity. Product of our company has reached the international level, and meets various countries safe establish requirements.At the same time, also really receives in the international market likes and the very good evaluation.Hoped that in the world each person can let our company have many serves your company opportunity, and welcome to propose that a better suggestion, , our company expresses very many thanks.
【電池先生】為亞洲第一家專業整合電池販售公司,並於2001年6月創立Mr.Battery電池先生品牌,這三年多以來菁山科技成功整合了國內外25種Notebook品牌全系列電池、攝影機電池、數位相機電池等大眾化需求產品,菁山科技將市場重心鎖定在[商品售後市場],並以虛擬通路及實體門市雙管齊下的方式為消費者供應原廠所不再提供的電池,解決消費者找不到電池的困擾。 菁山科技全系列電池皆以日系電池芯製造,因此電池品質絕對令人用的安心,並且積極研發新的電力產品、代理新的電腦周邊商品,希望能讓公司朝全方位的市場通路發展,做到放眼世界、立足台灣的目標。 菁山科技成立於民國90年6月,同年8月創設Mr.Battery電池先生的自有品牌,積極整合、研發高品質國內外各類型NB、DSC、DV等電池,並架設全亞洲第一個專業電池網站『Mr.Battery.com』提供完整線上電池資訊查詢、販售,致力創造以台灣為立足點的全球電池銷售網絡。 民國92年10月為建立完整行銷通路始建立電池先生直營門市,從虛擬網站到實體門市皆能快速滿足消費者需求。 〝服務〞是菁山科技對社會大眾的承諾與保證,更是在這市場立足的關鍵準則。我們本著務實的精神,專業的態度,完整的產品線,標準物流體系,為解決顧客的電源需求。 電源周邊產品之設計、製造及銷售: 開發、製造、行銷資料收集、產品及服務,提供全世界客戶更便利的電源產品,並藉以提昇他們的便利性及效能。 便利、快速、精準的售後服務: 菁山科技在世界各地的後勤支援中心,除了配有售後服務工程人員外,同時擁有維修所需的必要零組件,以及各產品線依產品序號所建立的詳細工程資料檔,以確保本公司在世界各地的客戶都能享有便利、快捷、精準的售後服務 Burnaby International Technology(BIT) established in June 2001,is a major aftermarket supplier of battery and computer components in Asia. Bit created the brand Mr.Battery in Auguset of its inaugural year and provides a complete on-line source for battery information and marketplace through its Mrbattery.com website. Bit is the process fo opening a series of Mr. Bttery Stores in October 2003.which together with Mrbattery.com would format complete network that serves our customers with efficiency and proficiency. Bit is dedicated in providing a total portable power solution for our customers with a complete product line and standardized logistics.Our mission and commitment is to serve your needs with great enthusiasm and professionalism. 銷售門市: 台灣總部 台北市內湖區內湖路一段316號9F Tel: (02)2659-9144 Fax: (02)2659-8351 台北直營店 台北市中正區八德路一段34號 Tel: (02)2392-3626 Fax: (02)2327-8133 桃園 NOVA 店 330 桃園市復興路99號207櫃 Tel: (03)347-8987 台中直營店 台中市西區英才路508號2樓 Tel: (04)2329-7760 Fax: (04)2329-7785 高雄直營店 高雄市三民區建國二路51之7號 Tel: (07)235-9082 Fax: (07)969-6058
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